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Final Confirmation
Our values of professionalism and responsibility are indispensable to the Guild’s success. These convictions belong to all who represent the LMGI.
Integrity Beyond Reproach:
We hold paramount the trust and responsibilities placed in us by our donors, members,colleagues, partners, and the public. We work in a cooperative, non-confrontational manner, emphasizing collaborative effort and drawing on the best available information and advisors. We act as One Guild, with each individual assisting the others in reaching their full potential, thereby ensuring the success of the overall organization.
Volunteerism and the Opportunity to Give Back:
In order to succeed into the future, our foundation must be strong; our committees,relevant; and our members, active. This can only be done with the help of each and every member. WE are the guild. Members shall actively support the LMGI.
Innovation and Excellence:
We are strategically entrepreneurial in the pursuit of excellence, encouraging original thought and its application, and willing to take risks based on sound business judgment. A strong work ethic and sense of professional responsibility and respect for our craft and each other is critical.
Failure to act in a manner consistent with this Code of Conduct is reason to forfeit membership, deemed by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors.